Thursday, July 24, 2014

                                        TORTA OD SIRA 

English version is below:)
 Htjela sam probati napokon napraviti taj 'slavni' cheesecake iliti tortu od sira... naišla sam na recept na internetu preko bloga COOKam i guštam iako sam stavila manje maslaca jer sam ocjenila da ga je previše....


 200g keksa ( Speculas-imaju miris cimeta)
 80g maslaca
 2 žlice šećera

 600g krem sira (ABC sam stavila )
 4 jaja
 4 žlice šećera,može i više prema želji ako želite da bude baš slatko
 sok i korica od 1 limuna
 1žlica ekstrakta vanilije

Preljev od vrhnja:
2 kisela vrhnja
1 vanilin šećer
1 žlica šećera (po potrebi)


Podlogu napravite tako da izmrvite kekse bilo u mikseru ili ručno kao što sam ja. Uzela sam deblju vrečicu za zamrzavanje, napunila je do pola sa keksima i udarala po radnoj ploči s njom.Brzo se drobe jer su suhi.
Nakon uspješnog drobljenja keksa do sitnog praha zagrijte maslac da se otopi i stavite šećer u njega te sve zajedno izlijte u samljevene kekse. Pritiščite smjesu sa poleđinom žlice i tako stopite suhe kekse sa onim koji su već natopljeni u maslacu.Dobit će te jednoličnu smjesu. Potom ju možete prebaciti u  kalup već obložen masnim papirom sa svih strana. Izravnajte sve do rubova kalupa. Imajte na umu da ako stavite masni papir na obruč kalupa da se krema neće oštetiti prilikom njegovog skidanja. Pecite na 200°C 5 min.

                                  Izmrvljeni keks / keks smjedinjen s maslacom / ispečena podloga

Krema ne može biti laganija za pripremu:) U dublju posudu stavite krem sir i šećer te izmiksajte da se kristali šećera razbiju, dodajte 4 cijela jaja jedno po jedno te ekstrakt vanilije i sok i koricu od jednog limuna. Kad sve izmiksate smjesa će bit dosta rijetka ali ne brinite jer će se ona dosta stegnuti zbog jaja. Izlijte na podlogu te stavite da se peče na 170°C oko 40 min. Krema će se možda odvojiti od rubova kalupa.


Gotova torta izvan kalupa

Nakon što se kolač ohladio prelijte ga sa preljevom od šećera i vrhnja te stavite u pečnicu da se stegne oko 15 min. na 200°C ...Provjeravajte ju za to vrijeme da ne dobije crne točkice ....vidjet će te da se površina ne ljulja i da se više ne sjaji jako ako je gotovo.
( Ne naslanjajte žlicu na površinu kao što sam ja pogreškogm jer će Vam se otkinuti dio preljeva :) )
Ukoliko želite možete napraviti preljev za kolač od svježeg ili smrznutog voća tako da mu dodate šećer te ga zagrijete pri čemu će se usitniti mješanjem. Ili ga jednostavno možete ukrasiti svježim voćem po izboru.

Dobar tek:)


I wanted to finally make the 'famous' cheesecake...I came across a recipe although I put in less butter 'cause I thought it was too much....

You will need:

For the base:
200g  cookies (don't use soft ones)
80g  butter
2 tbsp sugar

For the filling:
600g cream cheese
4 eggs
4 tbsp sugar (or more if you decide that it's not sweet enough)
juice and peeled of skin of 1 lemon
1 tbsp vanilla extract

Cream topping:
2 creams (I used with 12% fat)
1 vanilla sugar
1 tbsp of sugar (if needed)


Make the base by crumbling cookies in a blender or by hand like I did. I used a thicker bag for deep freeze, put cookies in it, sealed it and bashed it into my working board. Use cookies that are dry.After you successfully bash the cookies into a fine dusty texture warm up the butter, put the sugar in it so it can disolve quickly and then pour it into the cookies. Press the mixture with the back side of the spoon so that you can press the dry parts into the wet ones. You should get an even mixture. It should crumble. Then you put it into a mold that has been covered with oil-paper on every side of the mold. (It will be easier for you to get the cheesecake out of the mold and the filling won't stick to the sides :)) Press the mixture and even it out with a spoon.Bake for 5 min. at 200°C /390° F

*pictures above show:     crumbled cookies / cookies mixed with butter / baked base

The filling is easily done.In a deeper bowl put the cream cheese and sugar and mix it together, add 4 whole eggs one by one , vanilla extract and the juice and skin of a lemon. When you're finished mixing the texture of the mixture will be more like a fluid but that's just how it's suppose to be, it will harden 'cause of the eggs. Pour the mixture into the mold on the base and bake it at 170°C / 338°F for about 40min. The filling will probably detach from the corners of the mold.

*picture above shows:    finished cake without the side of the mold.

After the cake has cooled pour it with the cream topping and put it in the oven until it hardens for about 15min at  200°C / 390°F. Check on it in the meanwhile so that it doesn't get black spots...You'll see that the surface of the cake doesn't wobble and that it doesn't shine as much when it's done.

( Don't press a spoon on the surface like I did 'cause it will pull a part of the topping off :) )
If you prefer you can make a sauce for the cake from fresh or frozen fruits by adding a bit sugar to it and heating it up in a pan so that way it can be chopped into smaller peaces by stirring it. Or you can just decorate it with some fresh fruit of your choice.
Bon appetit!

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